A Time to Shed Blood! Repost!

Luke 22:63- Now the men who held Jesus mocked Him and beat Him. NKJV I’ve been building up to this time in the life of the Savior. The crucifixion. All that we read in the gospels about Him is wonderful, until this point. The disciples enjoyed hanging out with Him, watching Him perform miracles while sharingContinue reading “A Time to Shed Blood! Repost!”

A Time to Shed Blood!

Luke 22:63- Now the men who held Jesus mocked Him and beat Him. NKJV I’ve been building up to this time in the life of the Savior. The crucifixion. All that we read in the gospels about Him is wonderful, until this point. The disciples enjoyed hanging out with Him, watching Him perform miracles while sharingContinue reading “A Time to Shed Blood!”