The Hit List!

Ephesians 6:11 – “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” NKJV

I shared an encounter that I had with an angel, in a previous post, and today I want to share an encounter with a couple demons.

Many years ago, I ran across books by Lester Sumrall, where I discovered amazing testimonies over the power and works of the devil and his demons. The wonderful thing about reading these books is that I learned that there is a spiritual world more real then the world in which we are living; and there are no baby angels, or demons with pitchforks. I also learned that in Him, we really do have authority over the devil!

Let me say this, I am not a demon chaser! Nor am I an angel chaser! I am just living for the King and experiencing Him, and the kingdom.

I was a teenager when the movie, “The Exocist” came out. I can tell you right now, I was disturbed in my spirit on so many levels. After watching several of those movies, trying to prove that I wasn’t afraid, I started having some real issues that aren’t even worth mentioning. If you want to walk in authority over the devil, I don’t recommend these movies. They will desensitize you to real world of spiritual warfare. Stick with the Word of God! Learn from godly men and women, but don’t ever think that this is a game or entertainment. It isn’t!

I don’t consider myself an intercessor, although I believe strongly in prayer. This was a time in my life when I was quite busy raising kids, being actively involved in my church, and all my spare time was spent in prayer, reading the word, or reading books that encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. I won’t say that I was “ready” for this encounter, but I couldn’t have prepared better for it. I believe I had this experience to teach me a key truth: I have authority over the devil!

I had a dream. A young lady I knew was having troubles. She came to me and told me about what was going on in her life. I responded, “That ain’t nothing but the devil and I know how to deal with the devil!” So I began to take authority over the devil, his works, the situation, and she was freed from the attack of the enemy. After that, still in the dream, two demons approached my bedside. They were upset with me for what I had done. One was tall and slender and the other was short and chubby. They were both in silhouettes. Then one of the demons pointed his finger at me and said something like this, “You’ve come to our house, now we’re coming to yours!” I woke up! I sensed their presence in the room as if they had just strolled right out of my dream and into my bedroom. I began to pray in the spirit until I was able to fall back to sleep.

Time passed. Then one day a young lady came over to visit me. She was a married woman with young kids. She began to share an experience she had. She and her husband had gotten into a really ugly fight, name calling, profanity, yelling. Either that night or the next day, she was in the kitchen when stuff started happening. Cabinet doors were opening and closing, the oven door opened and closed, things were moving around in the apartment. She was frightened and didn’t want to be in the apartment with just her kids, and came to visit me.

After listening to all she had to share, I told her, “That ain’t nothing but the devil! But I know how to deal with that!” So I began to pray! I took authority over those demons in her apartment and commanded them to leave! I took authority over the demons that had used her and her husband to open that door, and I slammed it shut in the Spirit! After I prayed, I counseled with her about handling conflict in a more godly way and we prayed again. When she left, I heard this whisper, “Now we’re coming to your house!” Immediately I remembered my dream! (Can I just add that young lady went home to a demon free apartment! Glory be to God!)

As I said, I had small children. One was still in an infant carrier, and we had a three year old. So this was actually decades ago. Time flies!

At that time, when I I took my shower, I would pray in the Spirit the entire time I was in the shower. Marilyn Hickey calls it an hour of power in the shower! Not long after the young lady had come to my house, my husband and I went shopping to look for a suit for him. We were in the Men’s Warehouse. I was standing in the store with my baby carrier in my hand, when all of a sudden it flipped over! My baby slipped out of the carrier and landed on a concrete floor, head first! I yelled, “Jesus!” I guarantee you that I had everybody’s attention! As I bent over to pick her up, I heard in my spirit, “You took care of this in the shower. She’s fine!” And she was! Instantly, I sensed a witness in my spirit that it was those demons attacking my home as retaliation. I began to praise God for His protection and His faithfulness. I didn’t take her to the hospital to get checked out because the Great Physician had already said that she was good. God had covered and protected her!

I don’t have a lot of experiences of seeing demons. And I don’t need to have a lot of them. I just need to remember that I have authority over demons. I don’t have to be afraid of them, but I can make them really afraid of me. And so can you! Remember, in the book of Acts when the sons of Sceva tried to cast out the demons? Those demons said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?” Well, as we learn about the authority we have in Jesus, and how to exercise it, they’ll be adding our names to that list! Wonderful Jesus!

Published by wonderfuljesus8

I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord as a child. Once, when I was still quite young, I knocked on a lady’s door, but I don’t remember why. What I do remember is her telling me that I was going to be a preacher. When I was in high school I preached my very first message on Job. It lasted for a long time! LOL! By graduation, I knew that I had been called into ministry. My heart’s desire is to see the people of God understand and operate in the Kingdom of God. We really need to know that we serve an awesome and amazingly good God and our adversary the devil has no good thing dwelling in him.

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